Another convention of the film noir genre is the lighting in the film. When you meet a character for the first time half of their face is lit and half is unlit. This is showing us that half of the character is good and half the character is bad and mysterious. Film noir films are also shot in black and white with the occasionally colour added into them such as red in love and lust scenes and green when a character is jealous. This helps the audience have a further understanding of the characters feelings and also emphasises the comic book genre as it helps replicate an actual comic book. Another comic book convention presented in the film is over exaggerated actions and effects. For example when Marv is getting approached by the police he manages to jump down multiple flights of stairs at the same time as being shot at and he still survives. Another example is when Hartigan is shot several times in the first story and again still manages to survive and is able to talk. This shows the 'superhero' characteristics that the protagonists have, where they are able to survive such events. The film Noir genre is also typical of having voiceovers added into the narrative explaining a protagonists past and helps the audience understand more about the character. Voiceovers appear many times during the film when the protagonists are explaining their thoughts, such as when Hartigan was in jail and was talking about his letters from Nancy.
There are many typical Film Noir and Comic Book conventions shown in the film Sin City.
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